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CP 9 (LEO)

CP 9 (LEO) [Cal Poly]

CP 9 or LEO (Launch Environment Observer) is one component of the joint CP-9/StangSat experiment, which is a collaboration between PolySat at Cal Poly and the Merritt Island High School, and is sponsored by NASA Launch Services Program (LSP).

PolySat is developing a 2U CubeSat, CP9 (LEO), and Merritt Island high school is developing StangSat, a 1U CubeSat. The Cal Poly Picosatellite Project (PolySat) was founded in 1999 and involves a multidisciplinary team of undergraduate and graduate engineering students working to design, construct, test, launch, and operate a CubeSat.

The CP9-StangSat mission will measure and record in-situ telemetry data from within the P-POD during launch. Specifically, the CP9 and StangSat CubeSats will record thermal data with a k-type thermocouple and dynamic data using two sets of accelerometers measuring ranges of ±10 g and ±100 g.

In addition to collecting the telemetry data during launch, the CP9-StangSat mission will demonstrate new technologies within the P-POD platform, including power-on capability and more notably, wireless communication. StangSat will stream its telemetry data in real-time via WiFi to CP9 during launch, violating the existing CubeSat specification prohibiting RF within the P-POD. Demonstrating wireless communication within the P-POD can benefit future missions that do not wish to develop satellite-to-ground radio links. These type of missions can utilize another CubeSat to downlink their data and possibly avoid the necessity of developing a complicated radio.

It was launched on the ELaNa-15 mission.

Nation: USA
Type / Application: Technology
Operator: Cal Poly Picosatellite Project (PolySat)
Contractors: Cal Poly Picosatellite Project (PolySat)
Configuration: CubeSat (2U)
Propulsion: None
Power: Solar cells, batteries
Mass: 2 kg
Orbit: 301 km × 846 km, 28.52°
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
CP 9 (LEO) 2019-036X 25.06.2019 CCK LC-39A Falcon-Heavy (Block 5) with DSX , FORMOSAT 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F, GPIM, OTB 1, NPSat 1, Oculus-ASR, Prox 1, LightSail 2, ARMADILLO, FalconSat 7, E-TBEx A, E-TBEx B, PSat 2, BRICSat 2, Prometheus 2.6, Prometheus Mass Model, TEPCE 1, 2, StangSat


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