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HRV (Hubble Robotic Vehicle)

The HRV (Hubble Space Telescope Robotic Vehicle) is a robotic servicing and deorbiting mission for the Hubble (Space Telescope). This mission became necessary, as no more Shuttle flights to non ISS orbits are planned. The HRV was to be launched on an Expendable Launch Vehicle (ELV) and will Autonomously Rendezvous and Capture with the HST.

The primary requirement of the HRV is to provide a controlled reentry capability to the HST. The secondary requirement is to extend the scientific life of HST with a focus on battery and gyroscopic change out and/or augmentation. This includes ensuring that the scientific performance of the observatory is not degraded by adding these capabilities. In the event of an unanticipated or unlikely contingency case, providing the controlled reentry capability takes precedence over all other HRV requirement. The HRV shall be able to accomplish its objectives during all phases of its mission independent of the operating state of the HST.

The HRV shall provide additional HST life extension, capability for change out of enhanced Orbital Replacement Instruments (ORIs) / Orbital Replacement Units (ORUs) and safely dispose of the HST at the end-of-life.

In July 2004, NASA evaluated the proposals for this mission. Planned launch was in 2007. The robotic mission has been cancelled in 2005.

Nation: USA
Type / Application: Servicing
Operator: NASA
Contractors: TBD
Equipment: TBD
Configuration: TBD
Propulsion: TBD
Mass: TBD
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
HRV - cancelled CC EELV (Atlas-5 or Delta-4)

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