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Orbital Launches of 1972

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ID Date Payload(s) Launch Vehicle Site Remark
1972-001 12.01.1972 Kosmos 471 (Zenit-4M #30, Rotor #30) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-002 20.01.1972 KH-9 2 (Hexagon 2, Mission 1202, OPS 1737)
Mabeli (P-11 4424, OPS 7719)
Titan-3D Va SLC-4E
1972-003 23.01.1972 Intelsat-4 4 Atlas-SLV3C Centaur-D CC LC-36B
1972-004 25.01.1972 Kosmos 472 (DS-P1-Yu #50) Kosmos-2 Pl LC-133/1
1972-005 31.01.1972 HEOS 2 Delta-L Va SLC-2E
1972-006 03.02.1972 Kosmos 473 (Zenit-2M #25, Gektor #25) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-007 14.02.1972 Luna 20 (Ye-8-5 №408) Proton-K Blok-D Ba LC-81/24
1972-008 16.02.1972 Kosmos 474 (Zenit-4M #31, Rotor #31) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-F01 16.02.1972 Jumpseat 2 (OPS 1844) Titan-3(33)B Agena-D Va SLC-4W Failure
1972-009 25.02.1972 Kosmos 475 (Zaliv #10) Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/2
1972-010 01.03.1972 DSP 3 (OPS 1570) Titan-3(23)C CC LC-40
1972-011 01.03.1972 Kosmos 476 (Tselina-D #3) Vostok-2M Pl LC-43/4
1972-012 03.03.1972 Pioneer 10 Atlas-SLV3C Centaur-D Star-37E CC LC-36A
1972-013 04.03.1972 Kosmos 477 (Zenit-2M #26, Gektor #26) & Nauka-14KS 1L Voskhod Pl LC-41/1
1972-014 12.03.1972 TD 1A Delta-N Va SLC-2E
1972-015 15.03.1972 Kosmos 478 (Zenit-4M #32, Rotor #32) Voskhod Pl LC-43/3
1972-016 17.03.1972 KH-8 34 (Gambit-3 34, Mission 4334, OPS 1678) Titan-3(24)B Agena-D Va SLC-4W
1972-017 22.03.1972 Kosmos 479 (Tselina-O #14) Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/2
1972-018 24.03.1972 DSAP-5B F2 → DMSP-5B F2 (OPS 5058) Thor-LV2F Burner-2A Va SLC-10W
1972-019 25.03.1972 Kosmos 480 (Sfera #8) Kosmos-3M Pl
1972-020 25.03.1972 Kosmos 481 (DS-P1-Yu #51) Kosmos-2 Pl LC-133/1
1972-021 27.03.1972 Venera 8 (V-72 #1) Molniya-M (Blok-MVL) Ba LC-31/6
1972-022 30.03.1972 Meteor-1 11 Vostok-2M Pl LC-41/1
1972-023 31.03.1972 Kosmos 482 (Venera (9a), V-72 #2) Molniya-M (Blok-MVL) Ba LC-31/6 Partial Failure
1972-024 03.04.1972 Kosmos 483 (Zenit-4M #33, Rotor #33) Voskhod Pl LC-41/1
1972-025 04.04.1972 Molniya-1 20 (Molniya-1 27L)
SRET 1 (MAS 1)
Molniya-M (Blok-ML) Pl LC-43/4
1972-026 06.04.1972 Kosmos 484 (Zenit-2M #27, Gektor #27) & Nauka-5KS 3L Voskhod Pl LC-43/3
1972-027 07.04.1972 Interkosmos 6 (Energiya #1) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-028 11.04.1972 Kosmos 485 (DS-P1-Yu #52) Kosmos-2 Pl LC-133/1
1972-029 14.04.1972 Prognoz 1 Molniya-M (Blok-SO-L) Ba LC-31/6
1972-030 14.04.1972 Kosmos 486 (Zenit-4M #34, Rotor #34) Voskhod Pl LC-43/3
1972-031 16.04.1972 Apollo 16 (CSM 113, Casper)
LM 11 (Orion)
Saturn-5 CCK LC-39A
1972-032 19.04.1972 KH-4B 16 (Corona 144, Mission 1116, OPS 5640) Thorad-SLV2H Agena-D Va SLC-3W
1972-033 21.04.1972 Kosmos 487 (DS-P1-Yu #53) Kosmos-2 Pl LC-133/1
1972-F02 25.04.1972 Kosmos (488) (DS-P1-Yu #54) Kosmos-2 Pl LC-133/1 Failure
1972-0034 05.05.1972 Kosmos 488 (Zenit-4MK #7, Germes #7) Voskhod Pl LC-43/4
1972-035 06.05.1972 Kosmos 489 (Zaliv #11) Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/2
1972-036 17.05.1972 Kosmos 490 (Zenit-2M #28, Gektor #28) & Nauka-1KS 5L Voskhod Pl LC-43/3
1972-037 19.05.1972 Molniya-2 2 Molniya-M (Blok-ML) Pl LC-43/4
1972-F03 20.05.1972 KH-8 35 (Gambit-3 35, Mission 4335, OPS 6574) Titan-3(24)B Agena-D Va SLC-4W Failure
1972-038 25.05.1972 Kosmos 491 (Zenit-4M #35, Rotor #35) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-039 25.05.1972 KH-4B 17 (Corona 145, Mission 1117, OPS 6371) Thorad-SLV2H Agena-D Va SLC-3W
1972-040 09.06.1972 Kosmos 492 (Zenit-4M #36, Rotor #36) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-041 13.06.1972 Intelsat-4 5 Atlas-SLV3C Centaur-D CC LC-36B
1972-042 21.06.1972 Kosmos 493 (Zenit-2M #29, Gektor #29) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-043 23.06.1972 Kosmos 494 (Strela-2M #5) Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/2
1972-044 23.06.1972 Kosmos 495 (Zenit-4M #37, Rotor #37) Voskhod Pl LC-43/3
1972-045 26.06.1972 Kosmos 496 (Soyuz-7K-T #1) Soyuz Ba LC-1/5
1972-046 29.06.1972 Prognoz 2 Molniya-M (Blok-SO-L) Ba LC-31/6
1972-047 30.06.1972 Interkosmos 7 (DS-U3-IK #3) Kosmos-2 KY LC-86/4
1972-048 30.06.1972 Kosmos 497 (DS-P1-I #13) Kosmos-2 Pl LC-133/1
1972-049 30.06.1972 Meteor-1 12 Vostok-2M Pl LC-41/1
1972-050 05.07.1972 Kosmos 498 (DS-P1-Yu #55) Kosmos-2 Pl LC-133/1
1972-051 06.07.1972 Kosmos 499 (Zenit-4M #38, Rotor #38) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-052 07.07.1972 KH-9 3 (Hexagon 3, Mission 1203, OPS 7293)
Ursala 1 (P-11 4425, OPS 7803)
Titan-3D Va SLC-4E
1972-053 10.07.1972 Kosmos 500 (Tselina-O #15) Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/2
1972-054 12.07.1972 Kosmos 501 (DS-P1-Yu #56) Kosmos-2 KY LC-86/4
1972-055 13.07.1972 Kosmos 502 (Zenit-4MT #2, Orion #2) Soyuz-M Pl LC-43/4
1972-056 19.07.1972 Kosmos 503 (Zenit-4M #39, Rotor #39) Voskhod Pl LC-43/3
1972-057 20.07.1972 Kosmos 504 (Strela-1M #25)
Kosmos 505 (Strela-1M #26)
Kosmos 506 (Strela-1M #27)
Kosmos 507 (Strela-1M #28)
Kosmos 508 (Strela-1M #29)
Kosmos 509 (Strela-1M #30)
Kosmos 510 (Strela-1M #31)
Kosmos 511 (Strela-1M #32)
Kosmos 504, ..., 511 (Strela-1M #25, ..., #32)
Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/2
1972-058 23.07.1972 ERTS 1 → Landsat 1 Delta-900 Va SLC-2W
1972-059 28.07.1972 Kosmos 512 (Zenit-2M #30, Gektor #30) Voskhod Pl LC-43/4
1972-F04 29.07.1972 Salyut (2) (DOS 2) Proton-K Ba LC-81/23 Failure
1972-060 02.08.1972 Kosmos 513 (Zenit-4M #40, Rotor #40) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-061 13.08.1972 Explorer 46 (MTS A) Scout-D1 WI LA-3
1972-062 16.08.1972 Kosmos 514 (Zaliv-GVM #3) Kosmos-3M Pl
1972-063 18.08.1972 Kosmos 515 (Zenit-4MK #8, Germes #8) Voskhod Pl LC-43/4
1972-064 19.08.1972 REXS (Denpa) M-4S Ka LP-M
1972-065 21.08.1972 OAO 3 (Copernicus) Atlas-SLV3C Centaur-D CC LC-36B
1972-066 21.08.1972 Kosmos 516 (US-A #4) Tsiklon-2 Ba LC-90/19
1972-067 30.08.1972 Kosmos 517 (Zenit-2M #31, Gektor #31) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-068 01.09.1972 KH-8 36 (Gambit-3 36, Mission 4336, OPS 8888) Titan-3(24)B Agena-D Va SLC-4W
1972-F05 02.09.1972 Kosmos (518) (Zenit-4M #41, Rotor #41) Voskhod Pl LC-43/4 Failure
1972-069 02.09.1972 Triad 1 (TIP 1) Scout-B1 Va SLC-5
1972-070 15.09.1972 Kosmos 518 (Zenit-2M #32, Gektor #32) & Nauka Voskhod Pl LC-43/4
1972-071 16.09.1972 Kosmos 519 (Zenit-4M #42, Rotor #42) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-072 19.09.1972 Kosmos 520 (US-K #1) Molniya-M (Blok-2BL) Pl LC-41/1
1972-073 23.09.1972 Explorer 47 (IMP H) Delta-1604 CC LC-17B
1972-074 29.09.1972 Kosmos 521 (DS-P1-M #6, Tyulpan #6, Lira #6) Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/2
1972-075 30.09.1972 Molniya-2 3 Molniya-M (Blok-ML) Pl LC-41/1
1972-076 02.10.1972 Radsat (P72-1(a), OPS 8180a)
Radcat (P72-1(b), OPS 8180b)
Atlas-F Burner-2 Va BMRS-A1
1972-077 04.10.1972 Kosmos 522 (Zenit-4M #43, Rotor #43) Voskhod Pl LC-41/1
1972-078 05.10.1972 Kosmos 523 (DS-P1-Yu #57) Kosmos-2 Pl LC-133/1
1972-079 10.10.1972 KH-9 4 (Hexagon 4, Mission 1204, OPS 8314)
P-801 4 ? (OPS 8314/2)
Titan-3D Va SLC-4E
1972-080 11.10.1972 Kosmos 524 (DS-P1-Yu #58) Kosmos-2 Pl LC-133/1
1972-081 14.10.1972 Molniya-1 21 (Molniya-1 26L) Molniya-M (Blok-ML) Pl LC-41/1
1972-082 15.10.1972 NOAA 2 (ITOS D)
Delta-300 Va SLC-2W
1972-F06 17.10.1972 Kosmos (525) (Strela-2M #6) Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/1 Failure
1972-083 18.10.1972 Kosmos 525 (Zenit-2M #33, Gektor #33) & Nauka-16KS 1L Voskhod Pl LC-43/4
1972-084 25.10.1972 Kosmos 526 (DS-P1-Yu #59) Kosmos-2 Pl LC-133/1
1972-085 26.10.1972 Meteor-1 13 Vostok-2M Pl LC-43/4
1972-086 31.10.1972 Kosmos 527 (Zenit-4MK #9, Germes #9) Voskhod Pl LC-43/4
1972-087 01.11.1972 Kosmos 528 (Strela-1M #33)
Kosmos 529 (Strela-1M #34)
Kosmos 530 (Strela-1M #35)
Kosmos 531 (Strela-1M #36)
Kosmos 532 (Strela-1M #37)
Kosmos 533 (Strela-1M #38)
Kosmos 534 (Strela-1M #39)
Kosmos 535 (Strela-1M #40)
Kosmos 528, ..., 535 (Strela-1M #33, ..., #40)
Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/2
1972-088 03.11.1972 Kosmos 536 (Tselina-O #16) Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/1
1972-089 09.11.1972 DSAP-5B F3 (OPS 7323) Thor-LV2F Burner-2A Va SLC-10W
1972-090 10.11.1972 Anik A1 Delta-1914 CC LC-17B
1972-091 15.11.1972 Explorer 48 (SAS B) Scout-D1 SM
1972-092 22.11.1972 ESRO 4 Scout-D1 Va SLC-5
1972-F07 23.11.1972 LOK #1
L3 Model #4
N1/L3 Blok-G Blok-D (mod.) Ba LC-110L Failure
1972-093 25.11.1972 Kosmos 537 (Zenit-2M #34, Gektor #34) Voskhod Ba LC-31/6
1972-094 30.11.1972 Interkosmos 8 (DS-U1-IK #2) Kosmos-2 Pl LC-133/1
1972-095 02.12.1972 Molniya-1 22 (Molniya-1 28L) Molniya-M (Blok-ML) Ba LC-1/5
1972-096 07.12.1972 Apollo 17 (CSM 114, America)
LM 12 (Challenger)
Saturn-5 CCK LC-39A
1972-097 11.12.1972 Nimbus 5 Delta-900 Va SLC-2W
1972-098 12.12.1972 Molniya-2 4 Molniya-M (Blok-ML) Pl LC-41/1
1972-099 14.12.1972 Kosmos 538 (Zenit-4M #44, Rotor #44) Voskhod Pl LC-43/4
1972-100 16.12.1972 Aeros 1 Scout-D1 Va SLC-5
1972-101 20.12.1972 Canyon 5 (OPS 9390) Atlas-SLV3A Agena-D CC LC-13
1972-102 21.12.1972 Kosmos 539 (Sfera #9) Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/2
1972-103 21.12.1972 KH-8 37 (Gambit-3 37, Mission 4337, OPS 3978) Titan-3(24)B Agena-D Va SLC-4W
1972-104 25.12.1972 Kosmos 540 (Strela-2M #7) Kosmos-3M Pl LC-132/2
1972-105 27.12.1972 Kosmos 541 (Zenit-4MT #3, Orion #3) Soyuz-M Pl LC-41/1
1972-106 28.12.1972 Kosmos 542 (Tselina-D #4) Vostok-2M Pl LC-43/4

Launch sites:

Ba = Baikonur (Tyuratam, NIIP-5, GIK-5), Tyuratam, USSR USSR
CC = Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Eastern Test Range, Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA USA
CCK = NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA USA
Ka = Kagoshima Space Center / Uchinoura Space Center, Kagoshima, Kyushu, Japan Japan
KY = Kapustin Yar (GTsP-4, GTsMP-4), Volgograd, USSR USSR
Pl = Plesetsk (NIIP-53, GIK-1, GNIIP), USSR USSR
SM = San Marco Launch Complex, Formosa Bay, Kenya Kenya
Va = Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, USA USA
WI = Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, Virginia, USA USA
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