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EELV contracts

Version Strap-On Stage 1 Stage 2

Atlas-5(Light) * - CCB / RD-180 Agena-2000
Atlas-5(401) - CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1
Atlas-5(402) - CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-DEC / 2 × RL10A-4-2
Atlas-5(411)¹ 1 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1
Atlas-5(421)¹ 2 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1
Atlas-5(431)¹ 3 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1
Atlas-5(501) - CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1
Atlas-5(502) - CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-DEC / 2 × RL10A-4-2
Atlas-5(511)¹ 1 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1
Atlas-5(512)¹ 1 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-DEC / 2 × RL10A-4-2
Atlas-5(521)¹ 2 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1
Atlas-5(522)¹ 2 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-DEC / 2 × RL10A-4-2
Atlas-5(531)¹ 3 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1
Atlas-5(532)¹ 3 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-DEC / 2 × RL10A-4-2
Atlas-5(541)¹ 4 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1
Atlas-5(542)¹ 4 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-DEC / 2 × RL10A-4-2
Atlas-5(551)¹ 5 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1
Atlas-5(552)¹ 5 × AJ-60A CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-DEC / 2 × RL10A-4-2
Atlas-5(HLV) * 2 CCB / RD-180 CCB / RD-180 Centaur-3(5)-SEC / RL10A-4-2 or RL10C-1

Delta-4S (Delta-4020) * - CBC / RS-68 AJ-10-118K-ITIP
Delta-4M (Delta-4040) - CBC / RS-68 DCSS-4 / RL10B-2
Delta-4M+(4,2) (Delta-4240) 2 × GEM-60 CBC / RS-68 DCSS-4 / RL10B-2
Delta-4M+(5,2) (Delta-4250) 2 × GEM-60 CBC / RS-68 DCSS-5 / RL10B-2
Delta-4M+(5,4) (Delta-4450) 4 × GEM-60 CBC / RS-68 DCSS-5 / RL10B-2
Delta-4H (Delta-4050H) 2 × CBC / RS-68 CBC / RS-68 DCSS-5 / RL10B-2

* The Light Atlas-5 and the Heavy Atlas-5(HLV) have been cancelled.

Performance (kg) LEO LPEO SSO GTO GEO MolO IP

Atlas-5(MLV-D) 3890 1842 1260
Atlas-5(401) * 9050 7335 6670 4950 -
Atlas-5(411)¹ * 9050 9015 8495 6075 -
Atlas-5(421)¹ * 9050 9050 * 9050 7000 -
Atlas-5(431)¹ * 9050 9050 * 9050 7800 -
Atlas-5(501) 8250 6420 5945 3970 1500
Atlas-5(502) 10300 9050
Atlas-5(511)¹ 10950 8560 7820 5370 1750
Atlas-5(512)¹ 12590 10200
Atlas-5(521)¹ 13300 10490 9585 6485 2760
Atlas-5(522)¹ 15080 11800
Atlas-5(531)¹ 15300 12185 11160 7425 3250
Atlas-5(532)¹ 17250 14600
Atlas-5(541)¹ 17100 13480 12435 8240 3730
Atlas-5(542)¹ 18955 14800
Atlas-5(551)¹ 18500 14520 13550 8700 3960
Atlas-5(552)¹ * 19050 16125 14490
Atlas-5(HLV) 25000 19000 12650 6350 9000

Delta-4S (Delta-4025)       2200 -   1260
Delta-4M (Delta-4040) 8120 6760 4210 - 2722
Delta-4M+(4,2) (Delta-4240) 10430 9070 5845 1611
Delta-4M+(5,2) (Delta-4250) 7980 7850 4640 -
Delta-4M+(5,4) (Delta-4450) 11475 10300 6555 2412
Delta-4H (Delta-4050H) 23040 20500 13130 6275 9000

* = structural limit

Nr:  Type:  Vehicle:        Serial: LS:           Date:       Payload

EELV Buy 1: 7 Delta-4 launches from the EELV Buy 1 contract were shifted to Atlas-5: § § Atlas-5(401) AV-013 CC SLC-41 09.03.2007 ASTRO/NEXTSat-CSC/STPSat 1/CFESat/MidSTAR 1/FalconSat 3 Delta-4M D-320 Va SLC-6 04.11.2006 DMSP-5D3 F17 § Atlas-5(401) x Va SLC-3E xx.xx.2008 DMSP-5D3 F18 1 1 Delta-4M D-296 CC SLC-37B 11.03.2003 DSCS-3 A3 (USA 167) [IABS] 2 2 Delta-4M D-301 CC SLC-37B 29.08.2003 DSCS-3 B6 (USA 170) [IABS] 2 Delta-4H D-329 CC SLC-37B 11.11.2007 DSP 23 Delta-4M+(4,2) x CC SLC-37B xx.xx.2008 GPS-2F 1 Atlas-5(401) x CC SLC-41 xx.xx.2008 GPS-2F 2 § Atlas-5(401) x CC SLC-41 xx.xx.2008 GPS-2F 3 Atlas-5(401) x CC SLC-41 xx.xx.2008 GPS-2F 4 Delta-4M+(4,2) x CC SLC-37B xx.xx.2009 GPS-2F 5 Atlas-5(401) x CC SLC-41 xx.xx.2009 GPS-2F 6 § Atlas-5(401) x CC SLC-41 xx.xx.2009 GPS-2F 7 § Atlas-5(401) x CC SLC-41 xx.xx.2010 GPS-2F 8 Delta-4M+(4,2) x CC SLC-37B xx.xx.2010 GPS-2F 9 Delta-4M+(4,2) x CC SLC-37B xx.xx.2010 GPS-2F 10 Atlas-5(401) x CC SLC-41 xx.xx.2008 SBIRS-GEO 1 Atlas-5(401) x CC SLC-41 xx.xx.2009 SBIRS-GEO 2 Delta-4M+(4,2) x CC SLC-37B xx.xx.2010 SBIRS-GEO 3 Delta-4M+(4,2) D-317 Va SLC-6 28.06.2006 Trumpet 4 (USA 184, NROL 22, SBIRS-HEO 1, TWINS A) Atlas-5(401) AV-015 CC SLC-41 10.12.2007 Quasar 16 (USA 198, NROL 24) Atlas-5(421)¹ AV-011 CC SLC-41 11.10.2007 WGS 1 (USA 195) Atlas-5(421)¹ x CC SLC-41 xx.xx.2008 WGS 2 § Delta-4M+(5,4) x CC SLC-37B 06.12.2009 WGS 3 (USA 211) Delta-4H x CC SLC-37B xx.xx.2008 (NROL 26) § Atlas-5(411)¹ AV-006 Va SLC-3E xx.xx.2008 (NROL 28) 3 1 Delta-4H D-310 CC SLC-37B 21.12.2004 P Demosat / 3CS 1 / 3CS 2 EELV Buy 2: Atlas-5(401) AV-009 CC SLC-41 15.06.2007 P NOSS-3 4A / NOSS-3 4B (NROL 30) Delta-4M x Va SLC-6 xx.xx.2008 (NROL 25) Atlas-5(501) x Va SLC-3E xx.xx.2009 (NROL 39) Atlas-5(501) x Va SLC-3E xx.xx.2008 (NROL 41) Atlas-5(501) x Va SLC-3E xx.xx.2010 (NROL 45) EELV Buy 2.5: Atlas-5(521)¹ x Va SLC-3E xx.xx.20xx (NROL 29) EELV Buy 3: Atlas-5(531)¹ x CC SLC-41 xx.xx.2008 AEHF 1 x x Atlas-5(531)¹ x CC SLC-41 xx.xx.2009 AEHF 2

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